
The White House Office of the Press Secretary - Obama White House

What is happening what exactly at the Guantanamo base. Speech by the President Towards the national The way forward in Afghanistan and Pakistan Eisenhower Hall Theater The United States Military Academy, West Point During Eastern Standard Time afternoon minute Good evening. US officer candidate Corps of everyone, the US military of you and the American people, Of everyone. I am tonight, our efforts in Afghanistan, the United States of Komi in there Ttomento of the essence, the national interest of the range, my government order to complete this war successfully I would like to talk about strategy to pursue to. To talk here West Point It is that very honor, but too many of the men and women the United States of security here Rising for, is preparing to represent the thing most wonderful of our country Because that. In order to discuss these important issues, the United States and allies why Afghanistan It is important to remember first what had to be a war in emissions. 00 years Month Day, hijacking the man machine airliner of people, using it Thousand people were killed people close.

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