
UN Security Council Resolution on the [Islamic State] 0

What is happening what exactly at the Guantanamo base. The Security Council, the resolution (year), (00 years), (00 years), (00 years), 0 (0 years), (0 years), (0 years), your (0 years) And reaffirmed its related presidential statement, the Republic of Iraq and the independence of the Syrian Arab Republic, the main Kwon, reaffirmed the unity and territorial integrity, and further reaffirmed the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, Some areas of Iraq and Syria [Islamic countries in Iraq and Levant] (ISIL) And Tomo and to express serious concern that Nusura have been placed under the control of the Front (ANF) To, both the existence of, the violent extremist ideology, its behavior in Iraq, Syria and the region Stable on whether Joteki influence of - has led to hundreds of thousands of deportation, destructive people to the civilian Including the impact of Michigami - for, as well as, their acts of violence that have fueled tensions between sectarian Nitsu Stomach, expressed serious concern, death and other expense of civilian, the destruction

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